His Needs, Her Needs


Before embarking on our first (and hopefully only) new home build, several close friends cautioned us that the process is typically stressful and can damage even the best marriage relationship. That’s a sobering thought!  So we went into this adventure with humility and much prayer. What occurred to us is that things might go well if we had clear demarcation of responsibilities while ensuring we were unified on a going in budget. In retrospect, our approach reminds us of Willard F. Harly’s best-selling book, His Needs, Her NeedsSaid simply, we aligned our areas of responsibility with where we had interest and passion. This seemed t reduce the times where we might argue about something that was hugely important to one of us, but not so much to the other.

Christi is our Director of Aesthetics and Bob is our Building Science Manager. Christi does invite Bob’s input on aesthetic matters, but Bob mostly defers to Christi. That’s what nearly 40 years of marriage will do:) As Christi is fond of saying, “Just say yes for less stress.” For fun, we each made a list of our top-5 things about the house. We clearly bring different perspectives to the adventure! His needs, her needs…

Christi’s Top-5

  1. Cathedral ceilings
  2. Open floor plan
  3. Soaker bathtub
  4. Porch and deck overlooking the pond
  5. Walk-in pantry

Bob’s Top-5

  1. Tight building envelope (nearly passivehaus standards)
  2. Hybrid solar PV system with battery and generator back-up
  3. Energy Recovery Ventilation system that pre-heats and de-humidifies incoming fresh air
  4. Insulated exterior sheathing to reduce thermal shunting of the wall studs
  5. Selectable water source for the home and pasture – well or county water

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